Prevent Running Injuries: Strengthen Gluteus Medius for Optimal Performance!

Prevent Running Injuries: Strengthen Gluteus Medius for Optimal Performance!

Engaging and targeting the Gluteus Medius muscles is essential. Here are 5 go-to exercises:

1.) Lateral Band Walks (band above the knees)
2.) Side Bridge
3.) Glut Bridge w Resistance Bands above the Knees
4.) Wall Ball
5.) Diagonal Sit

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Weak Gluteus Medius is common among runners, causing various injuries. Strengthening this muscle is key to preventing overuse injuries during running. It acts as a pelvic stabilizer, impacting hip, knee, and foot alignment, reducing risks of conditions like hip/glut pain or Achilles tendinitis due to foot pronation. Strengthening Gluteus Medius is crucial to maintain proper running mechanics.


A flexible and strong mid-back is essential for sports performance, but it's often overlooked in our exercise or stretching routines.


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